How to Keep LLC Ownership Private

How to Keep LLC Ownership Private

January 27, 2025
 Min Read

Forming an Anonymous LLC can help non-resident entrepreneurs and digital nomads protect their privacy while operating a business in the U.S. This article explains how to keep LLC ownership private, highlighting key strategies and the best states for maintaining anonymity, such as Delaware, Nevada, New Mexico, and Wyoming.

What Is an Anonymous LLC?

An Anonymous LLC is a type of limited liability company designed to keep the identities of its owners private. Unlike standard LLCs, which often require the disclosure of owner information in public records, an Anonymous LLC uses legal mechanisms to protect the privacy of its members. This type of entity is particularly beneficial for individuals and businesses that value confidentiality and wish to avoid public exposure of their ownership interests.

When Should You Consider Hiding LLC Ownership?

Hiding LLC ownership, or maintaining the anonymity of the LLC's owners, can be a strategic decision influenced by various factors.

Here are some common situations where considering an Anonymous LLC might be advantageous:

1. Personal Privacy and Security:

  • Protection from Public Exposure: Ideal for individuals who value privacy or wish to avoid unwanted attention.
  • Safety from Harassment: Reduces the risk of stalking or harassment, especially for public figures or those in controversial industries.

2. Legal and Financial Protection:

  • Reducing Frivolous Lawsuits: Makes it more difficult for potential litigants to target business owners.
  • Shielding Personal Assets: Protects personal assets from business liabilities.

3. Business Strategy:

  • Maintaining Competitive Advantage: Prevents competitors from gaining insights into business operations.
  • Confidential Operations: Keeps business strategies and partnerships private.

4. Real Estate Investments:

  • Anonymous Property Ownership: Keeps property ownership details private.
  • Confidential Transactions: Facilitates discreet real estate dealings.

5. Family and Personal Safety:

  • Family Security: Protects family members from potential threats or unwanted attention.
  • Peace of Mind: Assures that personal information remains confidential.

6. Simplifying International Business:

  • Easing Regulatory Compliance: Reduces personal information required in public filings.
  • Streamlining Cross-Border Transactions: Simplifies managing international investments.

4 States That Allow Anonymous LLCs

Certain U.S. states have established regulations that allow the formation of Anonymous LLCs, providing a higher level of privacy protection for business owners.

Among these states, Delaware, Nevada, New Mexico, and Wyoming are the most notable for their favorable privacy laws.


Delaware is renowned for its business-friendly environment and robust legal framework. It offers the option to form Anonymous LLCs by not requiring the names of members or managers to be listed in the public records. Instead, only the registered agent's information is disclosed, ensuring that the owners' identities remain confidential. This makes Delaware a popular choice for businesses seeking both privacy and legal advantages, such as flexible management structures and strong legal precedents.

Related reading: Naming your Delaware LLC


Similar to Delaware, Nevada is a preferred state for forming Anonymous LLCs due to its strong privacy protections. Nevada does not require the disclosure of members' names in the articles of organization or in annual reports. The state also has no corporate income tax, adding a financial incentive for business owners. Nevada's commitment to protecting the privacy of business owners makes it an attractive option for those looking to maintain confidentiality.

New Mexico

New Mexico offers one of the simplest and most cost-effective ways to form an Anonymous LLC. The state does not require the disclosure of the LLC members' or managers' names in any public filings, including the articles of organization. Additionally, New Mexico has low formation and annual maintenance fees, making it a budget-friendly option for entrepreneurs who prioritize privacy without wanting to incur high costs.


Wyoming is known for its straightforward and affordable process for forming Anonymous LLCs. The state does not require the disclosure of the names of LLC members or managers in public records, similar to Delaware and Nevada. Wyoming also offers lifetime proxy services, allowing an anonymous proxy to represent the business owners, further enhancing privacy. With low formation fees and no state income tax, Wyoming is a highly attractive state for establishing an Anonymous LLC.

Related reading: Naming your Wyoming LLC

Forming an Anonymous LLC in Other States

While Delaware, Nevada, New Mexico, and Wyoming are the primary states known for allowing Anonymous LLCs, it is possible to achieve a certain level of anonymity when forming an LLC in other states as well. This typically involves additional steps and the use of various privacy services.

In other states, forming an Anonymous LLC can be more complex due to stricter disclosure requirements. However, business owners can still maintain a degree of privacy by utilizing nominee services, where third parties are listed as managers or members in the formation documents. Additionally, using a registered agent service can help keep the owners' personal addresses off public records.

Another option is to form an LLC in a state that allows anonymity (such as Delaware or Wyoming) and then register it as a foreign LLC in the desired state. This approach allows the business to benefit from the privacy protections of the original state while operating in another state.

Despite these options, it is important to consult with a business attorney who understands the specific privacy laws and regulations in the state where the LLC will operate. Legal advice ensures compliance with state laws while maximizing the privacy benefits of forming an Anonymous LLC.

Related reading: Best US State for foreigners to form an LLC

Setting Up an Anonymous LLC

Setting up an Anonymous LLC involves several key steps to ensure the privacy of the owners while complying with state regulations.

Here’s a breakdown of the process:

1. Name Your Company

Choosing a name for your Anonymous LLC is the first step. The name should be unique and comply with the naming rules of the state where you are forming the LLC. It’s essential to conduct a name availability search through the state’s business registry to ensure that the desired name is not already in use. Additionally, consider selecting a name that does not easily link back to the owners to enhance anonymity.

Related reading: Naming your Florida LLC

2. Get a Registered Agent

A registered agent is a third party who receives legal documents and official correspondence on behalf of your LLC. For an Anonymous LLC, using a registered agent service is crucial because it prevents your personal address from appearing in public records. 

The registered agent must have a physical address in the state where the LLC is formed and be available during normal business hours. Many registered agent services offer additional privacy protection features, such as mail forwarding and compliance reminders.

3. File the Necessary Paperwork

Filing the formation documents, commonly known as the Articles of Organization, is the next step. This paperwork includes basic information about your LLC, such as its name, purpose, and the registered agent’s details. 

To maintain anonymity, ensure that member or manager names are not required in these documents. States like Delaware, Nevada, New Mexico, and Wyoming allow you to leave out owner information. If forming an LLC in a state with stricter disclosure requirements, you can use nominee services or list only the registered agent's information.

Once the Articles of Organization are prepared, submit them to the appropriate state agency, usually the Secretary of State’s office, along with the required filing fee. This can often be done online or by mail. After approval, you will receive a certificate of formation, officially recognizing your LLC.

Additional Steps: While the above steps cover the core requirements, there are additional actions to consider for maintaining anonymity and ensuring legal compliance:

  • Operating Agreement: Drafting an operating agreement, although not always mandatory, is highly recommended (even for SMLLC). This internal document outlines the ownership structure, management, and operational procedures of your LLC. It helps prevent internal disputes and supports the LLC’s limited liability status.
  • Business Address: Use a business address service or virtual office to further protect your personal address. These services provide a physical address for business correspondence without revealing your personal location.
  • Compliance: Stay compliant with state regulations by filing annual or biennial reports as required. Ensure these filings do not disclose personal information by using the registered agent’s address and nominee details where possible.

Related reading: Operating Agreement vs. Partnership Agreement

Pros and Cons of Forming an Anonymous LLC

There are several benefits and drawbacks to hiding your LLC ownership, outlined below.


  • Keeps owners' identities private.
  • Protects against harassment and personal threats.
  • Deters frivolous lawsuits.
  • Shields personal assets from business liabilities.
  • Prevents competitors from gaining business insights.
  • Beneficial for high-value transaction privacy.
  • Minimizes personal information in public records for non-residents.


  • Additional fees for registered agent and nominee services.
  • Ongoing costs for privacy services like virtual offices.
  • More steps and legal considerations in formation.
  • Challenging to maintain anonymity while ensuring compliance.
  • Not all states allow Anonymous LLCs, limiting options.
  • May require forming in a privacy-friendly state and registering as a foreign LLC.
  • Negative perception associated with illegal activities.
  • Attracts more scrutiny from regulatory bodies.
  • Financial institutions may hesitate to open accounts.
  • Additional costs and complexities may not justify benefits for smaller businesses.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you hide the owner of an LLC?

Yes, you can hide the owner of an LLC by forming an Anonymous LLC. This involves using a registered agent to receive legal documents and ensuring that the formation documents do not include the owners' names. States like Delaware, Nevada, New Mexico, and Wyoming allow for the creation of Anonymous LLCs, where owner information is not required to be listed in public records.

What states keep LLC ownership private?

Several states allow for the creation of Anonymous LLCs that keep ownership information private. The most notable states are Delaware, Nevada, New Mexico, and Wyoming. These states have legal frameworks that do not require the disclosure of LLC members' or managers' names in public filings, thus protecting the privacy of the owners.

What is the best state to form an anonymous LLC?

The best state to form an Anonymous LLC largely depends on your specific needs, but Wyoming is often considered the most favorable due to its strong privacy protections, low formation and annual fees, and no state income tax. Delaware is also a popular choice because of its business-friendly laws and established legal precedents. New Mexico and Nevada offer similar privacy protections, with New Mexico being particularly cost-effective and Nevada providing additional financial incentives like no corporate income tax.

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